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With limitations due to our busy schedules, geographic distance, and more recently, the COVID pandemic, it may not be feasible to train face-to-face.  Instead, take a private online dog training class from anywhere through video chat!

At Beach With Dog


This online attention class will be divided into two 6-week sessions with working and auditing spots available.  Both working and auditing spots are supported by our Facebook group to upload videos for instructors' feedback and interact with other current and past students.


Foundation for Attention will introduce you and your dog to attention skills, from stationary to moving as a team.

Started 1/19, Thursdays 6-7pm


Intermediate Attention includes building heeling attention and teaching corrections for  lack of attention and when to apply them.

Thursdays 6-7pm to begin after the first 6-week series of attention



This online class will be a live and interactive Zoom Meeting for both working and auditing spots. The class is supported by a private Facebook group where everyone is encouraged to ask questions and post videos of your homework.  

This series is 2 six-week sessions.  Session 1 starts with Chin in the Hand and building a steady and reliable Hold, Grab, and Presentation.  Session 2 will continue with moving the dumbbell to the floor, marking, casting, proofing games.  This class is appropriate for competition obedience and hunting/retrievers.  


Starts 1/31/23, meeting every Tuesday 6-7pm.

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